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Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society Magazine

To give a new direction to its information policy, the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society creates, in 1993, its own magazine. The first issue was published in early 1994.

For the first time, the Regional Chambers and the Specialty Colleges could disclose their activities and news from several areas began to reach all pharmacists.

Since 2017, the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society Magazine is sent to its members by e-mail.


Bibliographic References

Revista da Ordem dos Farmacêuticos (2002). Lisboa: Ed. Ordem dos Farmacêuticos. Ano 9, Num 50.

Ordem dos Farmacêuticos © 2012-2018

Centro de Documentação Farmacêutica da Ordem dos Farmacêuticos

Address: Rua Castro Matoso 12 B, 3000 -104 Coimbra​ | Phone: 239 851 446 | E-mail:​​

Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: 10h00 - 12h30 / 14h00 - 17h30 | Friday: 10h00 - 12h30 ​​

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