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In 1942, the Pharmacists National Union Journal changes its name to The Pharmacists Journal. The main purpose of this change is, as described in the editorial of the first number, "to better furrowed its character, that is, to have a closer relationship between the pharmacist and the press who represents them". In this same first number was reproduced the article that, more than a century before, was used as the opening message of the Lusitanian Pharmaceutical Society Journal. The structure, format and content of The Pharmacists Journal were completely identical to its predecessor, the National Pharmacists Union Journal. [1]


Bibliographic References

[1] – Silva, A.C. Correia da (1998). Farmácia: História e Profissão. Colectânea de Estudos e Ensaios. Lisboa: Ed. Ordem dos Farmacêuticos.


The Pharmacists Journal

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