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Portuguese Pharmacy Magazine

The Portuguese Pharmacy Magazine appears as the successor of The Pharmacists Journal, after a proposal from a group of members of the Pharmacists National Union, in early 1951.


The variety of its contents, from scientific articles to some news and information’s concerning the pharmacist profession, gave the magazine some devoted readers and a quality above the average. Several important pharmacists collaborate in the magazine conception, namely Aluísio Leal, Nogueira Prista, Barros Polónia, Aloísio Fernandes Costa, Cardoso do Vale, Lupi Nogueira, among others. [2]


In 2001, the magazine was canceled, seven years after the creation of the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society Magazine.

Bibliographic References

[1] – Silva, A.C. Correia da (1998). Farmácia: História e Profissão. Colectânea de Estudos e Ensaios. Lisboa: Ed. Ordem dos Farmacêuticos.

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