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The magazine Pharmaka appears in an attempt of giving a further development and independence to the sections related to the professional interests, in a great initiative of the administration boards of the Pharmacy National Guild and the Pharmacists National Union. This publication represents a huge investment by the pharmaceutical associations, who strove to develop a publication with an innovative design and typographic composition. However, regarding the contents and subjects treated, the accomplishment was not the same. For this reason, the magazine Pharmaka ended two years after its release due to the great expenses associated with its publication. [1], [2]

However, some articles remained in history such as articles from the presidents of the pharmaceutical associations involved in this publication, as well as the opening message of the first issue of this magazine, written by the assistant director Rui Falcão. [2]

Bibliographic References

[1] – Exposição de Obras Antigas e Revistas Portuguesas de Farmácia. (1972) Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa. XXXII Congresso Internacional de Ciências Farmacêuticas.

[2] – Silva, A.C. Correia da (1998). Farmácia: História e Profissão. Colectânea de Estudos e Ensaios. Lisboa: Ed. Ordem dos Farmacêuticos.

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