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The Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society History

In Portugal, the pharmaceutical associative history arise from a movement of pharmacists against the chief-physician who was, by the king’s designation, who oversaw all matters related to health. This held the power in matters of admission to the profession, inspection to the pharmacies and the pricing of the medication, and their actions were often criticized by pharmacists.

In 1834, a group of pharmacists from Lisbon, with liberal ideas, signed a petition calling for the withdrawal of the inspections made by the chief-physician, the liberalization of drugs prices and the reorganization of the legislation on pharmaceutical practice. After the chief-physician withdrawal, they founded the Pharmaceutical Society of Lisbon, the first pharmacists’ association established in Portugal. Soon after, they changed its name to Lusitanian Pharmaceutical Society. Its firsts leaders were José Vincente Leitão (President), José Dionísio Correia (1st Secretary) and António de Carvalho (2nd Secretary).


At the beginning of its activity, the Lusitanian Pharmaceutical Society has promoted the foundation of the Montepio Pharmaceutical (1838-1862), one of the first mutual associations in Portugal, the Pharmaceutical Class (1885-1886)

and the Pharmacists Union of Braga (1899-1933), smaller associations whose field of action was centered in Braga. In 1900, the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Association was created, whose activity lasted until 1933, and in 1924 the Central Region Pharmacists Association, in Coimbra.


In 1935, and by decision of the Estado Novo, all these associations were merged into the Pharmacists National Union, created by decree of March 27th 1935, and whose first president was Emílio Fragoso.


The common goal of all these associations - to fight against illegal practice of pharmacy - its role was crucial in the "pharmacy scientification" and consequent rise of the pharmacist professional status, as well as the several transitions suffered by pharmacy verified in the 19th and 20th centuries. To point out the transition of the apothecary, medicines maker, to pharmacist, and the transition of pharmacy as an art, to pharmaceutical science, or the apothecary shop to pharmacy.

In 1972, the publication of Decree-Law n. 334/72 of August 23th, determined the end of the National Union of Pharmacists, which the foundation of the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society.

Ordem dos Farmacêuticos © 2012-2018

Centro de Documentação Farmacêutica da Ordem dos Farmacêuticos

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Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: 10h00 - 12h30 / 14h00 - 17h30 | Friday: 10h00 - 12h30 ​​

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