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Lusitanian Pharmaceutical Society Journal

The Lisbon’s Pharmaceutical Society Journal was founded in 1836. This was not only the first pharmacy newspaper to be published in Portugal, but also one of the oldest in its category in the world, since only a few newspapers with the same thematic existed before him [1].

In 1837, the Lisbon’s Pharmaceutical Society changes its name to Lusitanian Pharmaceutical Society, changing also the title of the publication [1].

Between 1838 and 1933, the Lusitanian Pharmaceutical Society Journal is uninterruptedly published, however with some changes in its regularity during certain periods (for example, during the First World War the Society only published a few number of fascicles) [2].

In 1933, with the cooperative organization imposed by the regime of António de Oliveira Salazar, the Lusitanian Pharmaceutical Society was forced to merge with other pharmaceutical associations leading to the creation of the National Pharmacists Union. This led to the ending of the Lusitanian Pharmaceutical Society Journal [2].

Bibliographic References

[1] – Exposição de Obras Antigas e Revistas Portuguesas de Farmácia. (1972) Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa. XXXII Congresso Internacional de Ciências Farmacêuticas.

[2] – Silva, A.C. Correia da (1998). Farmácia: História e Profissão. Colectânea de Estudos e Ensaios. Lisboa: Ed. Ordem dos Farmacêuticos.

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